Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Venturing into a Babies 'r Us....

Well to say it was an experience today is an understatement. Never in a million years would I have seen myself popping out at lunch and heading into a children's store to earnestly testing out strollers and car seats. I know for most of you that know me it is difficult to believe it happened and you all want footage to prove it. Sufficed to say I have the scars of being a first time stroller shopper - just ask me about it in person when you see me next and you will see.

I mean honestly... how many strollers does there really need to be stocked in a store? Are they trying to send first time mothers batty? Granted all mothers I've spoken to have said that I'll be needing at least a couple? What the?!?!? I only need 1 car to get around but a kid needs multiple rides?

Suspension, weight, durability, cup holders, key holders, storage, parasol attachments, side impact protection, durability, comfort padding, head supports, foot muffs!?!?! Seriously.... its like another world/language. And there's more accessories available for children than there are in Tiffany's. I miss the days where my biggest decision was 4.5 or 5 inch heels!

Didn't help I felt completely like a fish out of water. And that of course doesn't work for me at the best of times. I have only respect and admiration for my dear friend ED who took me out and then ever so patiently explained all I needed to know. Of particular amusement to onlookers.... me trying to reinsert the infant car seat into the base backwards (I couldn't even get it out to start with - ED had to show me that!). '

There was one part of the experience where I didn't feel completely stupid ..... fabric choice! Italian and in the color black of course! Peg Perago..... you are my hero in child seat/stroller manufacturers. I can see it now.... my new Burberry diaper back hanging off the back, not near enough storage room to be practical and of course not being able to actually remove the seat from the stroller or fold it up.... but at least the Little Dragon and I will be fashionable as we ram all those New Yorkers out of the way!

Monday, February 13, 2012

The Daily Bouts of Terror & What's with all the Judgements?

When I used to hear people (specifically child raising people) go on about their children, and how it felt to be pregnant, give birth and raise your child I always felt they were a bunch of snooty smug parents who never seemed to want to talk about anything else. OMG.... took all of 1 ultrasound for the disease to catch on. Now it's all about "the baby"! I am sure I had a life, interests and even an ability to have a conversation that didn't involve talking about children, raising children, shopping for children's stuff, disciplining children. I need to be saved! :)

The other thing I'm noticing an awful lot of..... the judgements! Why do complete strangers feel they can tell you you're being a bad mother, or telling you you're doing things way wrong. It's insulting as they are basically implying you are out to hurt your child. I love it when you're in spin class and get all the dirty looks... although that could be because bubs and me are kicking butt! :-)  Oh and special shout out to the guy who asked me if I was pregnant because I was looking like I was gaining weight. Classy!

I'll be interested to see what happens the first time some stranger goes to touch the stomach uninvited.... of course they won't know that I've boxed my way down 60lbs. :-)

Has it really been over a year??!!!??!!!

Well it's been actually over a year since my last blog entry. So much for that list of resolutions being met (ok so I met 1 of them... that's something at least).  Actually looking at the list it's been more than 1..... but I definitely haven't been able to blog more. Always seems to be so many priorities that take precedence over writing.

Anyway it's 1 year later and time to get that list updated. Here's what I don't think I got to.... I definitely haven't blogged.... I don't work any less (actually I work more than ever). I don't buy less shoes but I do drink less (primarily that's because of the bun in the oven.... we'll come back to that). I did get fit.... and the minute I was 2 pounds from my years goal I found out I was pregnant. Great timing.... at least I know I can drop the weight afterwards. :)

So you read correctly.... in case you've been on another planet and haven't seen the Facebook posts or heard along the Queanbeyan gossip mill... I indeed will be popping out a rug rat a little later this year. Shocked yes but super excited now (when I'm not having complete meltdowns about being a crap parent).

What an adjustment. As someone who despises being around bratty, screaming, snotty children.... it's been an adjustment thinking about having my own. Of course I'm completely deluding myself into thinking bubs is going to come out perfect, sleep all night, never cry, miraculously never poops or throws up.  Hey.... let me dream will you! So this blog (assuming I actually update it going forward) will start to document my fall from pretentious childless New Yorker to likely one of those obnoxious pretentious stroller pushing New Yorker mom. I've dodged enough of those double sized bug-a-boos enough in the last 7 years..... don't think I won't be paying all you parent back when I get my bug-a-boo delivered!!!
