Sunday, August 14, 2005

Insanity breeds Insanity

Just spent the last couple of days in Charlotte - North Carolina. Definitely an interesting place. Much like the travel guide quoted - it doesn't seem like a city with an oversupply of soul (if any). But - I must say that in only 4 weeks of living in NYC - I already seem to be becoming an arrogant and self involved New Yorker. Inpatient for things to happen, for people to get to the point and for my life not to be held up by others. Now take that personality and plonk it smack bang in the South.

The people in NC are nice and for those that work for big corporations and that are traveled and worldly - not much different from people in NYC. But - for the locals - talk about a laugh. To the extent that they can understand you - they treat you like this foreign thing (ok so technically I am a foreigner - but you get my point).

I was listening to this guy in the NC airport - he was chatting to his friend about how he met this girl in Charlotte - and he really liked her and "oh my god she had an accent. I had trouble understanding her - but it was soooo cute. And so cool. And oh my god - she's from Boston...." etc etc And that's the Boston that is in the same country as Charleston. I don't think the guy gets out much. :-)

Anyway - after a somewhat embarrassing incident with 2 x firetrucks full of firemen - and a 3.5 hour wait on the Charlotte International Airport Runway as we waited for a storm to pass - I got out of that place.

This weekend went by so incredibly quickly. I went shopping for things for my apartment. A TV, rug, DVD player, Iron. I ended up with:

As you can see - not a rug, tv, DVD or iron in sight. Damn Madison Ave! Ok - so it would appear I have absolutely no self restraint - but I did manage to leave the $1000 Christian Louboutin's behind (alright I'll admit it was because I couldn't walk in them - they were too high even for me. I'm talking around 5 inches at a minimum. But they were hot!)

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