Friday, October 22, 2004

Lessons Learnt

Life Lesson 1: I didn't think. We couldn't find the best solution

Life Lesson 2: "Best if we keep it quiet instead. Everyone here's to blame and we are caught up in the pleasure and the pain"

Life Lesson 3: No matter how many life lessons we think we get.... Until you believe enough to make changes you will never really learn anything.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Vee

So, I had a play with your manifesto. It's not really polished. Consider it more a work in progress ;-) I was inspired by your latest posts.

She smiles at the future
Lives life magnificently
Surrounds herself with beauty
Cars, shoes, men
Executes justice on the earth
And places value upon humanity
Her fingers intertwined
With life, love, passion
A learner of lessons
Some things better left unsaid

Love KittyKat