Saturday, December 03, 2005

Where oh where has the Little One gone?

Apologies for the lack of entries and pics lately. I feel like nothing has happened although we all know that is not true. This is the city that never sleeps and I too have caught the bug and am always switched on.

Between visitors (was lovely to have you visit Miss Melly), Halloween PICS HERE, concerts (Alanis rocks), nights out, dramas at work, nights in, thanksgiving, the flu, adopting a dog, getting ill over adopting a dog, talking myself into taking back the dog, talking myself out of taking back the dog, and now the holiday season (holiday lunches, dinners and even breakfasts) there has been little time to scratch.

Wow if there’s a city on this earth that knows how to celebrate Xmas by way of fairy lights – it is NYC. And yes even I am getting into the Xmas spirit (or rather “holiday” spirit – god forbid I offend anyone) if you can believe that. While it is unconfirmed I may or may not have been seen measuring my apartment to determine how big a tree I can fit in here.

My how we quickly change.

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