Monday, July 10, 2006

"30" is the new "20".....

Or so everyone keeps telling me. I've also been told many a times (and most eloquently put by my baby sister) to "build a bridge and get over it".

For those of you that have yet to see the FANTASTIC pressie my sister sent me - you can see it at CLICK HERE

Anyway I'm leaving this entry short. For a number of reasons - am too tired to debate the whole - "30 is the new 20". If 30 was the new 20 then 30 would simply be 29+1. Plus am too relaxed from my trip to Playa del Carmen to build anything. ;-)

I am trying to embrace the whole being 30 - and 2 weeks of celebrating was a good start to the decade. Time will only tell if 30's really are better than one's 20's.

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