Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Flatmates and Cosmos

So. It has been a long long long while since I last took the time to create a new blog entry. Apologies to the loyal followers. I am still with us all.

Many reasons for this..... the only one relevant is that I have been slack. Too many things going on and not enough time to focus on keeping in touch.

Lots has happened but most has been NYC LAU (Life as Usual). These past few weeks I have had a house guest. Kez (a buddy of mine for the majority of my existence) is staying with me for all of March. For those of you that know me having a flatmate is new. But I have been having fun and enjoying the company.

That said.... late nights, early starts, painful work clients and entertainment galore has made for a very yawny me. It's a good life for some though (ie Kez - snoozing as I leave for the office each morning).

Having a flatmate is definitely new for me. But I could get used to it very quickly. Coming home to someone cooking you a yummy dinner. Yep you read correctly. My kitchen has been deflowered. Hope it doesn't get used to it. I suspect I will not be continuing the trend. The funniest moments are when I get questions like....
-Kez: "Where's the oil?"
-Vee: "Oil? you absolutely need oil?.....Ummmm..... vodka wont work?"

Kez's efforts do not go unrewarded though (I am my mother's daughter after all). Kez is currently my "Vee's Cosmo" guinea pig. I've been experimenting and of course need a taste tester. She didn't put up too much of a fight though. Mrs M - I apologise in advance if I am bad influence on Kerry. It's really the fault of the city.

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