Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The SandMan

It's fairly common knowledge these days (probably thanks to my griping about it) that I have been suffering from insomnia for the past..... well I worked out about 18 months, 5 days and ..... 3 hrs - but then who's counting. Even references in my blog to "sleeping" means I got around 4-5hrs (rather than the usual 3-4).

So for all of my dear friends and family that are:
(a) sick and tired of hearing about my lack of sleep;
(b) who I encourage to stay out until extraordinary hours to keep me company;
(c) have to tolerate me in the morning prior to getting my caffeine fix;
(d) who are over hearing me rant about my anti-sleeping pills stance;
(e) Who receive texts/emails/calls from me at ungodly hours because I am bored .....
you will all be very pleased to know that I am doing something about it. What exactly I don't know - and whether it will work remains to be seen. But bring on a decent nights sleep..... it is so needed at the moment.

Which begs the question.... if one only sleeps a couple of hours of disrupted sleep a night.... which means you never get into REM sleep.... then are those "dreams" actually hallucinations? :-) I guess it's a cheap alternative to conscious altering drugs.

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